There is NO comparison!

There is NO comparison!

There is ALWAYS going to be someone smarter, richer, prettier…ALWAYS.  But, does that really matter?  Why are you letting that get you down?  You cannot control that.  You can only control YOU.  I guarantee you have something that someone else wants.

Click here to see the video

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Yours in building a positive life,


If My Doctor Told Me I Didn’t Need These, I Would Get A New Doctor

If My Doctor Told Me I Didn’t Need These, I Would Get A New Doctor

Doctors don’t study nutrition, they study medicine.  I am actually quite amazed that some doctors say nutritional supplements are useless and don’t work.  But, then turn around in the same breath and recommend taking a fish oil or pre-natal vitamins for pregnant women.  I’m glad that there are a growing number of doctors that are realizing that prevention through a healthy lifestyle including supplementing your diet is important in the healing of our society.  It shouldn’t be referred to as alternative medicine but rather necessary prevention.

The cell is the fundamental unit of life.  Are we protecting our trillions of cells in our body to the best of our ability every single day?  We are constantly under attack by the world we have built today which includes toxins, pollution, processed foods, soil nutrient depletion, the list goes on…  We need to guard our cells and guard our bodies.  Our bodies “refresh” our cells all of the time.  Some are replaced in hours and some in days and some longer.  Don’t you want the new ones to be just as amazing and perfect as when we were first born?  Are you putting the right amount of nutrients in your body to do so?

I see so many people suffering from diseases and sickness that could be prevented through lifestyle changes and appropriate nutrition.  The more research I do on the topic, the more I believe in taking supplements every day and creating a safe haven for my cells.  After all, I would be devastated if I didn’t get to see my daughter drive a car, graduate high school, have a baby, etc…

Are there supplements out there that don’t work?  YES!  In fact, there are more and more studies being done on certain supplements that show that what is on the label is NOT in the pill.  It is an industry that is filled with deception because people are taking pills left and right and it’s a huge lucrative industry.  So what are the things you can do to feel good about what you are putting in your body.

You have to do the research

You can’t just pick up vitamins from the corner store.  Even if you read the label (which I know most people don’t), the actual ingredients could be off…way off.   Research the owners of the company.  Why did they choose to start the company…for the money or to help others?

Buy pharmaceutical grade

If your doc is a believer in nutrition as prevention, can they recommend the supplement you take?  Is it in the Physicians Desk Reference?  Make sure that the company you choose to buy from meets FDA standards as well as pharma standards.

Ensure that the vitamins include the right combination and percentage of each ingredient

Our cells require a certain combination of vitamins with the right amount of levels of each vitamin for them to work properly.  Does the company have a team of scientists and doctors that know about the human cell and what the human cell needs?

Does the company offer a guarantee?

Does the company offer a money back guarantee?  Or do they offer an athlete guarantee?  Where if the athlete is tested for a banned substance and it’s traced back to that company, they will give the athlete a guarantee in some form or fashion.

I know it sounds like a lot to figure out, but if you are going to put something in your body EVERY DAY…you should want it to be the best.

I have done this research and know I’m putting the absolute best in my body.  I’ve never felt better at 39 years old, and I also think I’ve never looked better.  I am at my absolute prime and look FORWARD to my birthday every year.  40 doesn’t scare me at all.

Yours in building a positive life,


P.S.  I trust my health to USANA and highly recommend the Essentials to help you keep your cells beautiful.  The Essentials are formulated to not only prevent deficiency diseases, but provide the necessary micronutrients to retain optimal health and energy levels that everyone, at every age, needs every day.  The Essentials also contain trace minerals, mixed carotenoids, biofavonoids, and other phytochemicals and antioxidants to provide a full arsenal of compounds to help protect against daily exposure to free radicals. You can buy them HERE.

What People NEVER Talk About When It Comes to Working Out

What People NEVER Talk About When It Comes to Working Out

I don’t get it. Everyone always talk about the “have-to’s”  and the rules for losing weight and getting healthy.

  • You have to do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • You have to run or bike or swim
  • You have to work out every day
  • You have to do resistance training

I never hear people talk about doing what is fun and what you enjoy!

The only thing you HAVE to do is move…and  you know what, it should be FUN!

Look at kids.  They have a blast running through a sprinkler, or playing tag, or jumping on a trampoline, and they are smiling and staying in shape all at the same time!!  Find something you look forward to doing.  Otherwise, you will never maintain it.  It might not be running through a sprinkler, but maybe it is!!

If you are sitting there at your desk, and you are dreading going to the gym and having an argument with yourself…”You know, you really should go to the gym.  You had a cookie today and you are taking your kids out for dinner tonight.  But, you did work out hard yesterday, so maybe you need a break.”  Blah blah blah.

Imagine this instead.  You are sitting at your desk, excited, looking forward to working out.  Does it seem impossible?  Well, it’s not.  There are a LOT of different things  you can do at the gym.  Or outside.  Or at a yoga studio.  Or at a barre/pilates studio.  It’s just about finding it.  Then, going to work out never becomes a “Should I.”  It becomes a “I can’t wait!”

Running isn’t for everyone, and that’s OK

Listen, I have a friend who could run for days.  And she LOVES it.  I remember when she first started getting back into shape, it was no question for her what she was going to do at the gym.  She got excited about going and getting on the treadmill.  She started off running and walking, then she was running only at about a 10 minute mile, and now she’s running for an hour at a time at an 8 minute mile.  Wow!!  You know what though?   I HATE it.  Do I run?  Yes.  But I  much prefer to lift weights or yoga or barre or spin.  I can’t do the same thing everyday.  I pick the thing I look forward to doing that day, and do it.  Not what my friend wants to do.

It’s a process.  Just start moving.

When I first started working out, I didn’t really look forward to it either.  But, I have now been going consistently for about 10 years.  I wish someone had told me to find something I enjoyed vs. just having to go.  But, what happened is that I loved step class.  I went consistently and then when  step went out of style, I was already hooked on the feeling I felt after I worked out.  So, I went to yoga.  It took a few different classes to find the type of yoga I liked, but I found it and had no issues getting to the studio.  Now, I just like to do something, and every day it changes.

You will find something you like, or maybe someone you like

You might go to a few classes and hate them…don’t go anymore.  Once you find something you like, you will keep going.  And then,  you will find you want to branch out into other things.  The other thing you will find is that if you go on the same days at the same time, you will see the same people.  Sometimes it’s the people that keep you going.  You will make friends, and the conversations alone or seeing your friends will motivate you to get to the gym.

Don’t get caught up in the Have-Tos

Everyone is going to give you their opinion and tell you what worked for them.  But that is the key…it worked for THEM.  If someone told me I had to run an hour every day to get in shape, I would feel sad and defeated.  Don’t get caught up in that.  Do what is right for YOU.  You can listen to what people have to say about what worked for them, and you can even try it.  But, don’t do it if you hate it.  Life is too short.

Good luck in finding your happy workout.  I know you will.

Yours in building a positive life,
