Shift-it Visual Coaching

SHIFT-IT® is a unique coaching experience that expertly employs 17 visual maps to guide you through the powerful process of SHIFTing your work and/or life. As a Certified Visual Coach® I have been trained by Christina Merkley, pioneering Visual Coach and creator of The SHIFT-IT Visual Coaching Process®. I am eager to use this knowledge to help support you as you create a shift in your life and/or business.

The seven modules for the process are:

  1. Satisfaction Interrupted
  2. Harvest Your History
  3. Investigate Your Now
  4. Focus on Your Future
  5. Trouble at the Border
  6. Ink It, Don’t Just Think It
  7. Take Action

Module One: Satisfaction Interrupted

The first stage of the SHIFT-IT Process is called ‘Satisfaction Interrupted’. People come to reflection and coaching work when their general satisfaction has been interrupted in some way. It may be that you have reached one set of goals, and are wondering what is next. Or, you may have hit a positive or negative milestone and are re-grouping as a result (sold business, left job, graduation, divorce, kids leaving the nest, significant birthday, retirement, industry recession, etc). Or you may be frustrated by having not yet reached the potential you inherently feel you have, and are ready to break through. Whatever the reasons, the first stage of this process is mapping out what ‘is up’ for you. Identifying the crossroads you are standing on.

When you are done you will have more clarity, be more organized; have greater appreciation; and relief. The process will help you begin to identify the issues that bring you to SHIFT-IT work and the outcomes and results you’d like to get from doing the process. We will pulls all of your disparate thinking into one place to help you see and appreciate your current crossroads and what is currently interrupting your satisfaction. Relief at articulating thoughts that have up until now just been swirling around unorganized and unexpressed.


The second stage of the SHIFT-IT Process is to ‘Harvest Your History’. You are in the midst of your own unique ‘evolutionary’ process. Nothing happens in a vacuum … there is always a larger context that can help you make greater sense of your current situation. In this second part of the process, your history-to-date is recorded. Tracking where you have been to better understand your now and your desired future.

When you are done, you will increase your understanding of the overall flow and big picture pattern of your life-to-date. Increase your self-awareness, self-understanding and self-acceptance. See repetitive patterns, habits and significant turning points and events.Boosts determination and motivation to continue on current trajectory or to course correct / make changes. Use this as an exercise to repeat … see how your record changes as your awareness and perspective about your life changes over time.

Harvest the powerful work of your Life Maps. Organizes your realizations into one central place. Distills the ‘ahhas’ that you had during your history mapping session. Identify what you are grateful for and what you appreciate. Sorts out what you want to let go of, release and close. Begin to shift your focus from your past to your present and desired future.


The third stage of the SHIFT-IT Process is to ‘Investigate Your Now’. This is an opportunity to focus on you and your current situation. To find out what is going on for you right now. How satisfied and dissatisfied you are in the different areas of your life. What you have going for you and what you are ‘working on’. A visual look at your current ‘edge’.

Get a visual representation of your ‘now’. Articulate what you are satisfied with and what you are dissatisfied with. Highlight the areas of focus for your S-I process. Help you see how bumpy or smooth your current road is. Help you appreciate what is working and what you do have going for you. Bring out the areas you want to change and how you really, really want those areas to be.

Honesty. Appreciation. Security. Desire. Own what you have going for you and what you have to work with. Increase comfort, security, self esteem. Maturely acknowledge weakness and developing areas. Open honest rapport with self. Gently pulls and collects preliminary visioning information that increases desire and allure for a more aligned and satisfying future. Builds confidence that you do know what you want.


The fourth stage of the SHIFT-IT Process is to ‘Focus on Your Future’. After looking at where you have been (history) and where you currently are (now), we next turn to looking at where you really, really want to be. This stage is all about identifying and claiming what you really, really want. Building a clear, specific, well-written Personal Vision for you. A tool that becomes your guiding North Star — a comparison tool that you can use to assist you in making decisions and determining your actions … does this fit in with what I am working towards? Does this make movement towards my vision?

A Fun, creative, intuitive way to discover the essence of what you really want. Bypasse the rational, skeptical mind. Tap into your subconscious wisdom. Effective. Get a unique takeaway that you can post or frame for ongoing motivation and encouragement. Begin to extract out the underlying qualities of your Personal Vision.


The fifth step of the SHIFT-IT Process is ‘Trouble at the Border’. During the visioning work, we held doubt, critical and negative thinking at bay. In this stage of the process, we summon it back. Oftentimes, in the creation of a vision, there are one or several components of the vision that are difficult to ‘hold’ or ‘allow’. These are the areas where doubt and critical thoughts reign. After completing your vision, we determine which components you can fully allow, and which components you have more difficulty in holding. Then we have a number of exercises to choose from, to help shift your ability to hold those areas of your vision that you are having problems with. Doing the inner shift work that will help you allow and create the outer manifestation you desire.

Got some resistance to your Vision overall, or specific parts of it? Not able to fully believe (allow) it? It is normal to have at least one or two areas of your Vision that are particularly hard to ‘allow’ — normally due to problematic beliefs, attitudes or stances. This tool will help you identify and ‘flip’ your ‘negative’ reactions to your Vision. Helping you shift your energy so you can more fully allow.


The sixth stage of the S-I process is ‘Ink It, Don’t Just Think It’. This is the move that pulls all thinking-to-date together into one picture. It links your visionary thinking to your current reality and begins to bridge the gap between the two. Moving from the thinking realm to the doing realm – preliminary steps to creating a realistic, timely, doable Action Plan.

Typical questions:

Transfer your Personal Vision. Transfer the most powerful encouragements and guidance from your Future Self. Build a complete list of the internal and external supports that you have at your disposal. This links your vision to your current reality. Together we create a one-page plan that you can return to again and again for a quick big picture summary of what you are doing. Realistically depicts the internal and external challenges you may encounter and internal and external supports you can draw on. Propels you from thinking mode into action mode.

Module Seven: TAKE ACTION

The seventh and final stage of the process is ‘Take Action’. This is where you break your “Big Shift Areas” from your Big Picture Plan into an immediate, doable timetable. Taking each area of action, you brainstorm the specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and timely steps that you can begin to take now. Actions that slowly but surely move you towards your Personal Vision. Actions that you naturally want to take and that feel enjoyable or at least easy to do – not heavy feeling shoulds, have tos, and musts. Creating an overall Action Plan that keeps you organized, on track and accountable.






  • Get the Most Out of Your SHIFT-IT Process
  • Keep Your Momentum Strong and Steady
  • Receive Skilled Support for the Ups and Downs of Implementing Your Personalized Plan
  • An effective way to keep the momentum of your SHIFT-IT Process going is to participate in private, specialized ongoing tele-coaching support.

Using your SHIFT-IT as a base, we work over the phone together. Helping you clarify your experience. Work your Vision and Action Plan into highly tuned instruments. Help you implement your steps and deal with the ups and downs of your unique manifestation process.

Continually using strategic planning and Law of Attraction principles, we work as a team (the two of us: you and I) to keep your energy clear and on track. Supporting you as you manifest what you want in as timely a manner as possible.


  1. Full Tele-SHIFT-IT Retreat (12 sessions by phone)
  2. Mini Tele-SHIFT-IT Retreat (6 sessions by phone)
  3. FULL SHIFT-IT® RETREAT (phone version using templates)


1. Full Tele-Shift-It Retreat
12 Session Tele-Coaching Package
Investment: $1997.00

This retreat is done over the phone in twelve calls using small size templates (which are faxed and/or emailed back and forth).

Includes 12 weekly, 45-minutes calls covering all 17 moves of the SHIFT-IT Process (with homework assigned between calls):

  1. At the Crossroads
  2. Archeology of Beliefs
  3. History Map (arrival scene, early childhood)
  4. History Map (late childhood, adolescence)
  5. History Map (early adulthood)
  6. History Map (adulthood)
  7. Catch & Release (history harvest)
  8. Focus on You (life satisfaction wheel)
  9. S.E.L.F. Inventory
  10. Essential Extracts (collage)
  11. Future Self Visioning
  12. Magnetism (vision)
  13. Flip It, Flip It Good
  14. Inner Alignment
  15. Big Picture Plan
  16. Take Action!
  17. Declaration of Intention
  • 17 small size templates and worksheets (for your own individual use).
  • Unlimited email access between coaching calls.
  • Shipping and handling of report & CD.


(on phone, using templates)
Six Session Tele-Coaching Package
Investment: $997.00

Retreat is done over the phone in 6  – 45-minute calls using small size templates (which are faxed and/or emailed back and forth).

Includes six 45-minute tele-coaching calls covering:

  • Mini Crossroads Map
  • Mini History Map
  • Mini Visioning Map
  • Abbreviated Belief Work
  • Immediate Next Steps
  • Ongoing Process Coaching
    • Unlimited email access between coaching calls.